The unlimited creative subscription
After Effects / project
Grid overlay with varying transparency. Left-aligned headings and a fall out animation.
A clean border animation with a heading reveal and small tagline with a text fill.
Popping balloon animation revealing a logo and heading text, with a placeholder background.
A fast moving animation with bold transitions, subheadings and video masks.
Scrolling news lower third, which runs the length of the frame. With heading and moving text.
Animated neon style text with a double layer. Animates in and out.
Big and bold lower third block with a retro neon overlay.
Animated shape and motion paths leading to a bold heading and subheading.
Bold kinetic single word headlines with a gradient background overlay and video placeholders.
A creative shape layer intro featuring headings for the names and location.
A simple callout for Instagram with bordered text, bold headlines and a video placeholder.
A rotating 3D cube animation containing a heading. With a tagline below and swipe prompt.
A bold tech style heading bar. With a tagline, heading and subheading.
A bright product promo card with a video or image placeholder, bold headline text and animated background.
Animated headline with a gradient effect. Animated wave length background and fade.
A simple and minimal Instagram story design with fade in and drop text animation.
A subtle in and slide heading animation and swipe icon.
A simple story template with a heading and subheading.
A video mask title with bold heading text and sliding transitions.
A collection of video transitions and heading text.
An animated bar which reveals a simple heading.
A distorted animation featuring a bold heading with a border and simple tagline.
Dual headings with a logo field and animated entrance.
A simple particle explosion with an animated heading.
Quality artist-created After Effects templates
Create with unlimited video templates, stock video, music & more, all in one value-packed subscription.