56 Free Contractor Stock Videos

All contractor stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Contract, Business, Architect, Profession, Working, Construction and Paper.

Signing a contract

A left-handed person wearing a white shirt signs the bottom of a contract with a blue pen on a wooden table. Next to the contract there is a cellular phone.

Architect talking to businessmen

Architect talking to a couple of businessmen about a construction, with orange protective helmets.

Pointing to blueprints

Two hands point to blueprints sitting on a table.

Builders reviewing a construction plan, closeup

Architect looking over the plans of a house in construction by leafing through the plans in a folder.

Construction workers at a house under construction

Construction workers at a house under construction, two look at building plans while others work in the background.

Person takes a phone call at a construction site

A person wearing a yellow hard hat and a vest raises a mobile phone to his ear to take a phone call, a construction site in the background.

Man on the phone near a construction site

A man wearing a hard hat and a neon vest talks on a mobile phone in front of a building under construction.

Writing on a block of wood

A person writes three numbers on a section of a wooden frame.

Man puts on hard hat

A man wearing a denim shirt and a fluorescent vest puts on a yellow hard hat.

Two construction workers

Two workers in hard hats and neon vests point at something, with a pile of bricks in the background.


A sledgehammer with a red handle stands upside down on the floor of a building under construction, and is picked up.

Block of wood being measured

A long block of wood 2 inches wide is being measured by a yellow measuring tape, and marked with a pencil.

A person measures a block of wood for construction

A yellow measuring tape is used on a long block of wood at a construction site.

A person pushes a wheelbarrow

A person wearing a black t-shirt, khaki shorts and construction boots pushes a blue wheelbarrow on a dirt path.

Two workers at a construction site

A construction site, with bricks, wooden frames, tools, and two people standing in the background.

Electric saw

A person approaches an electric saw and uses it to cut a long piece of wood.

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