179 Free Filming Stock Videos

All filming stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Close Up, Daytime, Lake, Outdoors, Drink, Filmmaker and Medium Shot.

Vintage film roll effect with countdown

Shot of a countdown superimposed on an old roll of film.

Movie tape

Film tape rotating to play a movie in a dark room.

A young couple filming a video by the lake

A young couple wearing knit hats are filming a movie at the pier with a retro film camera on a sunny day by the lake with the mountains in the background

Young filmaker with a retro film camera on a sunny day

A young filmamaker in knit hat and an earing is holding a old retro film camera while filming a lake in the distance and mointains on a sunny day.

A young photographer give directions to a male model by the lake.

The young influencers wearing knit hats enjoy the lakeshore taking pictures with an old retro camera with the mountains in the background on a sunny day.

Young couple walks on the pier by the lake

A young filmmaker man films a young model woman walking on the pier by the lake during the daytime with the mountains in the background.

A young couple talking in the distance by the lake

Camera zooms on a couple talking over a stone structure by the lake. Retro style video footage of a couple that wears knit hats talking and enjoying the lake view.

A young smiling woman filming a video by the lake

A young smiling woman wearing a knit hat is being filmed by a tattooed young man holding an old film camera with the lake and the mountains in the background.

Couple enjoy the view of the lake from the stone pier

Retro-style footage of a young couple wearing knit hats enjoying the lake and mountains view. Retro video footage of a young couple that enjoys the lake view from a stone structure.

A young filmmaker adjust an old fashion camera

A young filmmaker wearing a colorful knit hat and sunglasses is adjusting an old-fashioned camera on a sunny day with the lake and the mountains in the background.

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