97 Free Influencer Stock Videos

All influencer stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Social Media, Recording, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Youth and Close Up.

Vlogger recording in sign language

Camera on a tripod while recording a man doing sign language sitting on a gray sofa.

Promotion for social networks with a smiling girl

Advertising for social networks with a smiling tripled girl on a colorful background, holding social app logos in her hand.

Behind the scenes of a speaker talking on camera

Behind the scenes of a young influencer recording a video with a computer mounted on a tripod.

Blogging girl down the street with his cell

Young woman happily blogging through the tree-lined streets of a city, with a cell phone on a steadycam.

Influencers dancing in a recording a Tik Tok video

Couple of girls recording a funny video dancing with a cell phone and a ring of light, on a background of flowers, in a behind-the-scenes view.

Behind the scenes of a young man recording a video

Behind the scenes of a young man recording video at a desk with a piano, laptop, and audio interface.

Two urban girls between bars of colored light

Two funny and captivating girls between bars of colored light, looking directly into the lens.

A trendy couple posing in the club for a social media video

A trendy urban young couple poses and dances to the smartphone with digital motion graphics in the background.

A young influencer rides a giant rubber duck in a plastic ball pit pool.

Close up shot of a black smartphone recording a young influencer having fun riding a giant rubber duck in a plastic ball pool with a neon sign in the background.

Girl promoting social media apps

Funny girl promoting different social media networks while is dancing, in a colorful and fun sequence.

Boy and girl blogging on top with city background

A boy and a girl blogging excited and happy, with a cell phone on a stabilizer, with the city in the background from above.

Recording a blog girl walking down the street

Young woman recording a blog while walking down the street with her cell phone placed on a stabilizer.

Young woman shooting a guy talking on video

Young woman recording an influencer speaking sitting at a desk, with a camera, a reflector, a microphone, and a computer.

Happy woman dancing happily in a colorful spot

Happy woman in old style clothes dancing happily in front of the camera, in a colorful spot with inflatable desserts.

Man being recorded himself for a blog on the street

Influencer recording a blog with a handheld camera while walking showing a street.

Girl recording a video on a background of cereal boxes

Behind the scenes of a girl recording herself talking on a video on a cell phone and a ring of light, on a background of cereal boxes, surrounded by large cereals with colored sugary rings.

Young woman talking on video call on a terrace

A girl dressed in white talking on a cell phone video call, on a terrace overlooking the city, during a slightly cloudy afternoon.

Smarphone recording a young woman posing and modeling in upside down room

Close up shot of a black smartphone recording a young blonde teenager wearing denim jean posing and modeling in an upside down room decoration for social media.

Portrait of an influencer talking to the camera

Portrait of a cheerful girl speaking directly to the camera, on a colorful background, lined with cereal boxes.

Smarphone recording a young woman talking in a vintage phone

A black smartphone recording a young woman modeling and talking over a vintage telephone for social media posts in a pale pink decorated bedroom.

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