The unlimited creative subscription
After Effects / project
A simple Instagram Story text template with swipe prompt.
A vertical audio visualizer for an Instagram story. Reacts to an audio layer.
A simple callout for Instagram with bordered text, bold headlines and a video placeholder.
Elegant story template with three text placeholders and animated fonts.
Vertical story template for Instagram with bold text and subheadings.
Animated headline, subheading and a video placeholder with an animated shape border.
A simple story template with a heading and subheading.
A distorted animation featuring a bold heading with a border and simple tagline.
A retro style story for Instagram with a video box, heart icon and tagline.
Fast moving video placeholders with text animation and a booking prompt.
Minimal design, sleek designs and a bold title.
Big bold letters, a sales line and a ribbon. With animated banner.
Animated weights with a neon effect with bold text.
A delayed frame shape animation with heading and tagline.
An inverted story banner with angled heading text.
Two shape layers with fading text and a tagline prompt.
A golden Instagram story aimed at fashion promotions.
Bold animated text with rural shapes and bouncing text headings.
A subtle in and slide heading animation and swipe icon.
A shape animation fireworks explosion followed by a main heading, video placeholder and subheading.
Vertical glitch effect with a logo placeholder. Made for Instagram stories.
Bright and colorful end-screen for YouTube, vertical design for use in an Instagram story.
A simple and minimal Instagram story design with fade in and drop text animation.
A vertical story template with a glitch effect, bold border and fast moving text.
Quality artist-created After Effects templates
Create with unlimited video templates, stock video, music & more, all in one value-packed subscription.