Logo Templates for Premiere Pro

47 Free Premiere Pro Templates for Logo. Introduce your brand in style with these free logo reveal templates for Premiere Pro. Turn the lights on your brand mark with light streak templates or choose an explosion of color to announce your logo in your next video. All of our Premiere Pro Templates are free to download and ready to use in your next video project, under the Mixkit License.

Creative Modern Opener

Premiere Pro / project

A fast, minimal opener. Featuring quick transitions and overlays. Ending with a logo frame.

Split Frame Opener

Premiere Pro / project

Informative opener offering multiple text panels, lower-third style headings and a logo frame.

Urban Glitch Opener

Premiere Pro / project

A modern opener with a glitch effect, quick transitions and a logo finish.

Vintage Lines Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Rectangular design with thin lines and a single heading block. Vintage logo style.

Floating Orbs Opener

Premiere Pro / project

An animated liquid shape effect opener with floating orbs. Ending with a logo frame.

Golden Floral Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A rounded logo style design with an animated, golden floral design. With particle animation.

Retro Instagram Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Right-aligned logo with a bold heading and boxed subheading.

YouTube Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Large headline text with a smaller heading above. Logo aligned to the left. Animated in and out.

Boxed Facebook Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Left-aligned logo. Headline text box and subheading. Animated in from the left.

End screen for a YouTube channel

Premiere Pro / mogrt

End screen for a Youtube channel with a title and subtitle text, a logo, two video previews and social media user names.

Boxed Instagram Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Double headline boxes with different background colours and a left-aligned logo.

YouTube subscription banner

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Youtube suscription banner with a title for channel name, subtitle for number of subscribers, a logo and a button with a hand clicking it.

End screen for YouTube with social media

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Subscription end screen with one video preview, logo space, heading and Facebook, Instagram and Twitter icons for social media user names.

Fabric Heart Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A logo style title with a fabric effect, elegant border and headline banner.

End screen for YouTube

Premiere Pro / mogrt

End screen for Youtube videos with preview of two video options with titles, subtitles and channel logos, and with color lines in the moving background.

Simple LinkedIn Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A clean LinkedIn lower-third, logo aligned to the left. Simple headline text and an animated subheading.

YouTube end screen with two video previews

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Subscription end screen with two video previews, with a logo space centered, and a title in the top. Circular background in motion.

Drop-In Facebook Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Headline text drops in and the Facebook logo moves upwards to meet in the middle.

Twitter Right Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A right-aligned logo with simple heading and boxed tagline.

Festive Stars Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A round logo style with a border of festive stars.

Festive Lights Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A round logo style headline with festive lights around it.

LinkedIn Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Right-aligned logo. Bold headline text and smaller heading with a solid background above.

Social Box Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A simple headline, contained within a box. Twitter logo to the right.

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