Titles Templates for Premiere Pro

268 Free Premiere Pro Templates for Titles. From professional title templates for youtube to to wedding animations for that special day, show and tell your story with our collection of amazing free Premiere Pro title templates. All of our Premiere Pro Templates are free to download and ready to use in your next video project, under the Mixkit License.

Paragraph Title Block

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Animated paragraph loads in from the right. With a double heading block.

Color gradient full screen title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Framed full screen intro/title with a color gradient title with center-aligned description below and a word subtitle button.

Quick Bold Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A bright and colorful headline animation. Switching between backgrounds and text size.

Abstract Glitch Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Abstract glitch effect, with headline text.

Simple Subheading Title Block

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A long rectangular title block, with a subheading aligned to the right. Animates in from the left.

Inverted Banner Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Modern two-tone design, heading and subheading. Colors invert upon animation.

Champagne Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A champagne particle effect background with a golden gradient border and heading.

Two Tone Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Double-line heading, with a single subheading below.

Gold Label Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Vertical container with a golden border, gold leaf orb animation and subtle font style.

Animated Splash Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Splash effect transitioning in from the right, uncovering a heading.

Ink Splash Story

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Simple border box with angled text and an ink splash effect.

Divided Title Block

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Heading and subheading divided by an angled gradient bar.

Double Headline Blocks Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Spinning title animation, with bouncing text intro.

Upwards Transition Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A simple title block set which transition upwards into the frame.

Title and subtitle framed diagonally

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Title and subtitle framed diagonally with a small text below and outside the frame.

Uncovered Lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Rectangular banner effect, loading from the left and right.

Glitch title with framed subtitle

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Title with bold letter with the possibility to change color one of the letters of it and with a subtitle framed.

Text Title Block

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Paragraph title block, with a heading and subheading. Border and background are animated from different directions.

Double Line Title Split

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Three headings with two animated lines and a falling text animation.

Smoke Puff Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A cartoon smoke effect which transitions into a three line heading.

Thin Neon Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Rounded multi-line neon title. With split border text and a main heading.

Title and subtitle line, lower-third

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A simple heading and subheading, with two animated lines between them.

Water Splash Effect Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Water splash effect, travelling from left to right. With a heading appearing from behind the animation.

Digital Arrows Title

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Arrow pattern with a glitch effect and text transition.

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