Transitions Templates for Premiere Pro

140 Free Premiere Pro Templates for Transitions. Glitch, splice or spin from scene to scene! Move effortlessly through your favorite film moments with these fantastic free Premiere Pro transition templates and take your audience along for the ride. All of our Premiere Pro Templates are free to download and ready to use in your next video project, under the Mixkit License.

Cartoon Flame Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A simple transition from left to right with a cartoon fire effect rippling through.

Liquid Spiral Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A bold liquid effect that spirals and quickly fills the frame.

Spiral multicolored transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Spiral multicolored transition spinning from right to left.

Downwards Wipe Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Liquid effect that swipes down to the right, creating and filling patches within the frame.

Falling Shape Transition

Premiere Pro / project

A simple shape transition between clips. Falling from the top to the bottom of the frame.

Downwards Spin Transition

Premiere Pro / project

Downwards spin and distortion.

Left Split Transition

Premiere Pro / project

Rectangular split to the left.

Walking slide transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Multicolored walking slide transition moving from bottom to top.

Twist And Fill Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Ink effect that spins and splits, rotating until the frame has been filled.

Circle Panel Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Round panel shapes moving inwards to the middle of the frame before shrinking out.

Square Panel Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Square panel shapes moving inwards to the middle of the frame.

Quick Burst Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A quick cartoon ink transition which clears from the middle.

Falling Ink Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Liquid effect that falls from the top of the frame to the bottom. Covering the frame.

Dusty Ink Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Cartoon ink effect from the left of the frame which clears through a dust burst.

Four Point Ink Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Ink patches in all four corners expand until the frame is filled.

Rotating Liquid Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A rotating ink effect with a cartoon style. Fills the frame before clearing.

Two Way Split Transition

Premiere Pro / project

Rectangular split upwards and down.

Upwards Split Transition

Premiere Pro / project

Rectangular upwards split.

Center Split Transition

Premiere Pro / project

Rectangular split aligned to the middle.

Ink Burst Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Cartoon ink effect which bursts in through the middle of the frame and quickly clears.

Quick Liquid Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A fast moving liquid flow effect, which ripples in from the right before exiting through the top left.

Liquid Swipe Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

A sideways swipe that moves from right to left, generating an ink effect.

Upwards Ink Transition

Premiere Pro / mogrt

Starts at the bottom and expands upwards with a liquid effect.

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